Questions & Answers
This is a a great exercise….
We have 8 forms of capital…
Financial, Social, Living, Intellectual, Spiritual, Cultural, Experiential, and Material.
Complete them for yourself .. and answer the following questions.
Feel free to post below.
What are your goals, vision, mission and ethics for yourself and your property?
(A few things to consider when define these areas-It is not the final definition that matters, it is the process of thinking about these things that the real work happens)
Define your 8 forms of capital and what feel you have in each. Are you lacking in some areas? Which areas do you see a need to make improvments?
What should you do in each form of capital in order to maximize your potential?
How wealthy are you really in the form of these 8 forms of capital?.
Utilize the fact that we have cognitive bias and that limitations within our brains limit our abilities to think with a broad scope. ( look up the cognitive bias codex) Considering this, how can you challenge your forms of capital?
See what you come up!